About us

What is it about art that has continued to fascinate and charm us throughout the centuries?
Why is it so vital to us, so precious and energising?
Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that art is much like us – living, breathing and constantly changing. Perhaps we see in it more of ourselves than we at first imagine – and then the work of art becomes a constant reminder, an aid to memory and an adjunct to the spirit. Perhaps it is akin to looking into a mirror and seeing aspects of our thoughts, our hopes and our dreams.
When dSS™ launched with an aim to manage art portfolios on behalf of its clients, its agenda was clear: to build a strong and lasting foundation for the appreciation of art from around the world, and to provide a link to an extensive network of artists, galleries, art dealers and auction houses .
dSS™ is a synergy of beliefs, interests and enthusiasm – with fun and purpose. Our first commitment is to share art with those who want to enjoy beyond what they already know, and to see art inspire more people with its eternal magic.
Art is inspiration™

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